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A closer look at our online academy
Easy to search, easy to view, easy to learn!
The online academy is our most popular association management service and serves as an ideal hub for expanding knowledge in a convenient online setting. The platform offers various search options, including categories, speakers, keywords, events, and custom strings. It also enables users to take online tests and extract CEU-accredited certificates. As a Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) of today, DiaEdu’s main goal is to elevate digital learning by offering custom solutions that best fit your association’s goals.

Our membership portal is truly unique

More. Growth.
Our website features unique and interactive membership management with ease and secure login, profile assessment, and access to relevant online content. Furthermore, it monitors the learning progress of a user following integrated tracking models that also provide alerts. Additionally, our portal fosters community engagement, where members shape experiences that add value and retention in the long run.
What We Do